Is Coding with ChatGPT Safe?

is chatgpt safe for coding

How safe is it to employ ChatGPT for coding? Here, we’ll delve into the specifics of this question and try to find an answer.

Coding with ChatGPT: Is it Safe?

ChatGPT can indeed be an excellent companion and aid in writing code, potentially elevating our productivity to remarkable heights. However, there are certain points we need to be mindful of.

Perhaps the first among them is this: the code we submit to ChatGPT and the conversations we have within ChatGPT are used by OpenAI to further train the model itself. Essentially, by default, we’re allowing our data to be shared. Due to this, many institutions have prohibited the use of ChatGPT on their work computers.

Therefore, the primary consideration we need to keep in mind is this: if we share code with ChatGPT and ask it to improve upon that code, our code might be used as data by ChatGPT and could potentially be shared with external parties.

Learn more: Does OpenAI use your ChatGPT conversation as data?

A second point to consider is that in this regard, ChatGPT or OpenAI never claims that the model always provides the most accurate answers. The same applies to coding as well.

The code generated by ChatGPT can indeed be successful and work flawlessly. However, there’s no absolute guarantee that this code will function correctly 100% of the time and yield accurate results.

Therefore, even though we’re having the AI generate these codes, it’s crucial not to use them directly; instead, it’s important to examine, test, and validate them.

After all, ChatGPT produces these codes based on previously trained data. Hence, using these codes directly can be risky. It’s more beneficial to test, examine, analyze, and review the generated code before implementation.

Learn more: How reliable is ChatGPT?

Taking these points into consideration, when using ChatGPT for coding, it may not always be safe, but if proper testing is conducted and you’re not concerned about the code being improved by ChatGPT and potentially shared externally, it can be deemed safe to use ChatGPT for coding, provided that you’re mindful of the aforementioned aspects and take necessary precautions.

Mitigating Concerns: Ensuring Security and Accuracy

So, how can we prevent and mitigate these vulnerabilities of ChatGPT, especially those that might arise while writing code? Below, we’ve listed what you can do in this regard.

  1. First and foremost, remember that ChatGPT is akin to a colleague and can make mistakes as well. Therefore, the code provided by ChatGPT must undergo quality control and reliability checks. You can use various tools for this purpose or have another programmer evaluate whether the code is appropriate and of good quality.
  2. Be cautious when sharing code or data with ChatGPT. If the code contains sensitive information that you don’t want to be shared, refrain from sharing it with ChatGPT. You can prevent OpenAI from using this data for training purposes. However, if you have highly confidential data, this method might not be sufficient.

OpenAI introduced the ChatGPT Enterprise subscription for such concerns. With this, your conversations and shares aren’t used at all. OpenAI aims to expand ChatGPT’s use in businesses with this model.

The Advantages of Using ChatGPT for Coding

1. Enhanced Learning and Understanding

ChatGPT can serve as an interactive learning assistant for both novice and experienced programmers. It can provide detailed explanations of complex coding concepts, making them more accessible to individuals with varying levels of expertise.

Also Read: How to use ChatGPT Custom Instructions mode?

2. Efficient Code Generation

Need a quick code snippet for a specific task? ChatGPT can swiftly generate code based on the requirements you provide. This can significantly speed up development time, allowing you to focus on more critical aspects of your project.

3. Debugging Support

Stuck on a coding problem? ChatGPT can help troubleshoot errors by analyzing your code and suggesting potential solutions. While it’s not a replacement for comprehensive debugging tools, it can offer a fresh perspective on the issue.

4. Idea Exploration

Brainstorming for your next big project? ChatGPT can assist in creativity by offering creative suggestions and helping you refine your concepts and approach.

Also read: Create Flappy Bird Game With ChatGPT

Best Practices for Integrating ChatGPT into Your Coding Workflow

1. Clear and Specific Prompts

When interacting with ChatGPT, provide clear and specific prompts to ensure accurate and relevant responses. Vague or ambiguous prompts can lead to less desirable outcomes.

Learn more: What are ChatGPT Best Practices?

2. Code Review and Testing

While ChatGPT can expedite code generation, you must conduct thorough code reviews and testing. This step helps identify and rectify any errors or inconsistencies in the generated code.

3. Collaborative Coding

Leverage ChatGPT as a collaborative tool during coding sessions. Its ability to provide insights and explanations can enhance team productivity and foster knowledge sharing.


As the technological landscape continues to evolve, the integration of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT is reshaping the way developers approach coding. While it’s essential to exercise caution and adhere to best practices, the benefits of using ChatGPT for coding are undeniable. From accelerated code generation to enhanced learning, ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the coding experience.

However, if you intend to use ChatGPT for coding, there are two points you need to be cautious about.

The code generated by ChatGPT may not always be the most efficient and accurate.

You should request new iterations from ChatGPT to improve the code and ensure that the code provided to you is tested, reviewed, and checked by a second set of eyes.

Another point to consider is being careful when sharing information with ChatGPT.

The code you share with ChatGPT can be used by ChatGPT for training purposes as data.

Learn More: How can you prevent your conversations with ChatGPT from being used as data?

If you’re concerned about the confidentiality of your code, you should either refrain from sharing the code altogether or take the precaution of revoking permission for the use of the conversation history for training purposes.

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